Let's Enjoy!
I would like to make a wake up call to US! Yes US because sometimes I also forget to do it to.
My invitation is to Enjoy the food you prepare!
I remember as a little girl going to my grandmothers house I would always see her finising dinners last details, the house smelled good, we all gathered as a family and waited anxiously for the food to be ready... I'm pretty sure many of you can relate to the feeling and that you are almost able to smell that food.... Back then they took pride in cooking good food, even though it was mostly the same recipes over and over (And tasted soooo good every time!)
Nowadays we rush to the kitchen and before that dreadful time to start cooking we ask ourselves... what "quick and easy" dish can I prepare tonight? Many times we think of cooking like punishment, its one of those boring chores we have to do.
I'm not suggesting to engage in a huge production for dinner, nor should you be searching for a complicated recipe that most of the times you don't have the ingredients in your pantry... NO! My invitation is to ENJOY the time you put into preparing what you eat. Think about it like this: Cooking is one of the best ways of saying I Love Me or I Love You.
Your body is the most importante "place" you should be taking care of, its your vehicle trough life! so take good care of it and ENJOY!
If you want to make things easier for you in "rush hour" Prepare food in advance, you can make big batches of grains, dice one complete onion/garlic/ginger, grate/chop your "go to" vegetables and fruits like carrots, cucumber, pineapples, etc. Try to always prepare a little extra for later that way you will always have some prep done and cooking time will be less stressful and probably you will shorten your time in the kitchen.
And way not.. Have a glass of wine! ;)
This salad picture was Thursdays lunch. My good friend Laura Bernal, which happens to be best photographer in town was taking my profile pictures and lunch was a going to be hard to get, so I decided to bring some things I had previously prepared, Laura had cravings for crab meat and avocado we add it at last minute and the result was amazing.
-Mixed greens
-Cooked Cheakpeas (Rinse your chickpeas, cook them in water and store in container)
-Cooked Red Quinoa
-Goat cheese
-Candied Walnuts {stay tuned for the recipe}
-Tear crabmeat apart, sliced avocado, top it with lime or lemon salt and pepper.
Mix it all and stir some Olive Oil, salt and pepper. Also try it with Truffle Oil it tastes divine! and... Enjoy!
Hope you give this recipe a try!
E N J O Y !